How to Maintain Your Rental Property

  • 3 months ago
Orca Realty

Maintaining a rental property in Vancouver is not just about preserving its value and appearance; it’s also about fulfilling legal obligations and ensuring tenant satisfaction. As a landlord, understanding your responsibilities, as well as those of your tenants, is crucial for a smooth rental experience. 

Understanding the Law: The Residential Tenancies Act

In Vancouver, the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) governs the relationship between landlords and tenants. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, especially regarding property maintenance. Familiarizing yourself with the RTA is the first step in proper rental property management.

Landlord Responsibilities

As a landlord in Vancouver, it is your responsibility to provide a habitable dwelling place to your renters. Here are the things that you should do to ensure proper property maintenance:

  • Structural Integrity: Landlords must ensure that the building’s structural components, like floors, walls, and ceilings, are in sound condition. This includes regular checks for potential issues like cracks, water damage, or wear and tear, and undertaking necessary repairs or reinforcements to ensure the building’s safety and durability.
  • Heating and Utilities: Providing functional heating systems and ensuring uninterrupted access to utilities such as electricity, water, and gas are crucial. This responsibility includes regular maintenance of heating systems, fixing any utility outages promptly, and ensuring these systems meet safety standards.
  • Plumbing and Sanitation: Maintaining the plumbing system, including pipes, faucets, and sewage lines, is essential to ensure a hygienic living environment. This includes fixing leaks, ensuring proper water pressure, and addressing any sanitation issues to prevent health hazards.

bathtub next to bathroom counter

  • Pest Control: Effective pest control involves regular inspections, immediate action to address any signs of infestation, and preventative treatments. This ensures the Vancouver property remains hygienic and comfortable for tenants.
  • Safety and Security: Installing and maintaining safety devices like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors is a legal requirement. Ensuring that locks, security systems, and emergency exits are functional is critical for tenant safety.
  • Compliance with Health Standards: Adhering to health standards involves regular checks for and remediation of health hazards like mold, mildew, and other harmful substances. This is important not only for tenant health but also to avoid legal issues.
  • Regular Inspections and Repairs: Conducting regular inspections helps identify repair needs before they become major issues. This includes checking for structural damage, ensuring all appliances are working correctly, and addressing wear and tear. 
  • Snow and Ice Removal: Ensuring the removal of snow and ice, especially in common areas, walkways, and emergency exits, is vital for preventing accidents and ensuring safe access to and from the property.

Tenant Responsibilities

Tenants also play a vital role in maintaining the property:

  • Cleanliness: Tenants are responsible for maintaining a clean and sanitary living environment. This includes regular cleaning routines to avoid the accumulation of dirt and waste, which can lead to health issues and property damage.


  • Minor Repairs: Handling minor repairs and maintenance, like changing light bulbs or tightening loose screws, is part of a tenant’s duty. This helps in keeping the property in good condition and avoids the escalation of small issues.
  • Damage Reporting: Promptly reporting any damage or need for repairs to the landlord is crucial. This enables timely repairs, preventing the worsening of the problem and potential safety hazards.
  • Garbage Disposal: Proper disposal of garbage and recycling as per local regulations is essential. This helps maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the property and ensures compliance with community standards.
  • Pest Prevention: Tenants should take measures to prevent pest infestations, such as proper food storage and disposal and avoiding habits that attract pests. This is important for maintaining a healthy living environment.
  • Respect Property: Using the property and its appliances responsibly and avoiding intentional or careless damage is a key responsibility. This includes avoiding activities that could damage the property or disturb neighbours.
  • Snow Removal: In some rental agreements, tenants may be responsible for removing snow in certain areas like balconies or personal walkways. This involves timely clearing of snow to ensure safe access and adherence to local snow removal regulations.

The Balance of Joint Responsibilities

In cases of joint tenancy, responsibilities such as general upkeep and reporting issues are shared. It’s important for tenants to communicate effectively and ensure all parties uphold their end of the maintenance responsibilities.

property manager and landlord shaking hands

Strategies for Effective Maintenance

Maintaining the upkeep and general condition of a rental property can be stressful and time-consuming. To effective keep your property well-maintained, make sure to keep the following tips in mind: 

  • Proactive Maintenance: Regularly scheduled maintenance can prevent major repairs and extend the life of property components.
  • Responsive Repairs: Establish a clear and efficient system for tenants to report maintenance issues, and respond promptly to these reports.
  • Tenant Education: Educate tenants on their responsibilities and how to perform basic maintenance tasks, like changing light bulbs or unclogging drains.
  • Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of all repairs, inspections, and communications with tenants. This documentation is crucial for legal compliance and tracking property conditions.
  • Legal Compliance and Safety Standards: Stay updated with changes in local laws and safety regulations. Regularly review and update safety devices like smoke detectors and ensure the property’s structural integrity.
  • Professional Assistance: For complex issues or specialized maintenance, it’s advisable to hire professional services to ensure quality and compliance with legal standards. It’s best to hire a professional property manager to handle everything on your behalf, as well as ensure that tenants also adhere to the terms of the lease.

Bottom Line

Effective maintenance of a rental property in Vancouver requires a collaborative effort between landlords and tenants. 

By understanding legal obligations, engaging in regular maintenance, and fostering open communication, landlords can maintain their properties efficiently, ensuring tenant satisfaction and preserving the value of their investments.

Remember, proactive property maintenance is key to a successful and smooth rental experience.

When in doubt, it’s best to hire the services of a property management company like Orca Realty. Contact us today and we will help you keep your rental property in its best condition.

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